Welcome to my corner of the web. I’m Pratinav Seth, a data science student and aspiring AI researcher, passionate about using technology to tackle real-world challenges.

As I approach the end of my undergraduate studies at Manipal Institute of Technology, I’ve had the privilege of working on projects in computer vision, deep learning, and natural language processing. From addressing climate change to improving healthcare, I’m continually inspired by AI’s potential to make a positive impact.

My internships at Mila Quebec AI Institute, Bosch Research, and KLIV Lab IIT Kharagpur have been invaluable, teaching me how much there is to learn in this rapidly evolving field. I’m grateful for the mentors and collaborators who’ve guided me, and for the opportunities to contribute to research in areas such as: using satellite imagery to detect abandoned oil wells, enhancing autonomous driving systems, incorporating domain knowledge in neural networks for medical image analysis, and analyzing the Explainability of modern deep neural networks.

Recently, I have been developing NLP solutions for agricultural query resolution and exploring multi-modal model architectures for super-resolution and segmentation in a parameter-efficient manner, with applications across various domains.

A significant part of my journey has been shaped by my involvement in student organizations at Manipal. As a researcher with Mars Rover Manipal, I have worked on diverse problem statements, co-led a AI research group, and mentored undergraduate students. Co-founding The Data Alchemists allowed me to share my passion for AI and data science with fellow students. As Co-President of the Research Society, I’ve worked to foster a culture of undergraduate research across various technical domains.

While I’m proud of my accomplishments, including publications at AI conferences , I know this is just the beginning of my journey. There is so much more to discover and many brilliant minds pushing the boundaries of what’s possible with AI.

I created this site to share my projects and experiences, hoping they might be useful to fellow students or anyone curious about AI’s applications. I’m always eager to learn from others and explore new ideas in this fascinating field.

Thank you for stopping by. I hope you find something interesting here, and I welcome any thoughts or questions you might have.

(PS : Open to Full-Time Role in Machine Learning, Data Science, and AI Research and Research Colaboratorions)

🔥 News

  • 2024.06:  🎉 AgriLLM accepted to KDD UC-24!
  • 2024.02:  🎉 Sailing Through Spectra accepted to ICLR Tiny Papers!
  • 2024.01:  🎉🎉 Started my Internship (as a part of my Bachelor Thesis) at Mila Quebec AI Institute (Remotely).
  • 2023.12:  🎉🎉 Does the Fairness of Your Pre-Training Hold Up? accepted to WACV Pretrain Workshop as Oral!
  • 2023.11:  🎉 RSM-NLP at BLP-2023 Task 2 accepted to Bangla Language Processing Workshop @ EMNLP 2023

📝 Publications

CVPR Workshop 2023

CoReFusion: Contrastive Regularized Fusion for Guided Thermal Super-Resolution

Aditya Kasliwal, Pratinav Seth, Sriya Rallabandi, Sanchit Singhal


AAAI Student Abstract 2023

LaMAR: Laplacian Pyramid for Multimodal Adaptive Super Resolution (Student Abstract)

Aditya Kasliwal, Aryan Kamani, Ishaan Gakhar, Pratinav Seth, Sriya Rallabandi


KDD UC 2024

AgriLLM: Harnessing transformers for farmer queries.

Krish Didwania (†), Pratinav Seth (†), Aditya Kasliwal, Amit Agarwal


💻 Past Experiences

🎖 Honors and Awards

  • 2023.02 One of the 11 Undergraduates Selected as an AAAI Undergraduate Consortium Scholar. Included a Travel Grant of $2000 to present at AAAI-23 at Washington DC, USA.
  • 2023.01 Received MAHE Undergraduate Research Grant Worth 10K INR for Project : Explainable & Trustworthy Skin Lesion Classification under Dr. Abhilash K. Pai, Dept. of DSCA, Manipal Institute of Technology, MAHE.

📖 Educations

  • 2020.10 - 2024.07, Bachelors of Technology in Data Science & Engineering (B.Tech), Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Manipal, Karnataka, India.

💬 Invited Talks

  • 2024.03, Introduction to Research, at ACM-W Manipal Chapter.
  • 2024.02, Data Dialogue invited by The Data Alchemists, The Official Data Science Club of MIT Manipal. | [link]